
LIXIL’s 2024 Disclosure Report in Response to the TCFD and TNFD recommendations

Written by LIXIL | Jun 18, 2024

LIXIL Corporation (“LIXIL”, TSE Code: 5938), maker of pioneering water and housing products, today published its Environmental Issues Disclosure Report based on the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and, for the first time, the Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD). The newly released report addresses the company’s environmental risks and opportunities, including for climate change, natural capital, and biodiversity.

Embracing "Zero Carbon and Circular Living" as its core Environmental Vision, LIXIL is committed to achieving net-zero CO₂ emissions across its operations, products, and services by 2050. This goal underscores the company's dedication to environmental stewardship and transparency.

Since endorsing the TCFD recommendations in March 2019, LIXIL has published an overview of how it identifies, assesses and manages climate-related risks, as well as its efforts to reflect its findings in its environmental and business strategies, based on TCFD guidelines. In 2023, LIXIL expanded its TCFD disclosures to include associated water sustainability and circular economy initiatives and climate change, covering all three focus areas of its environmental strategy. 

"Conservation of Biodiversity" was added as one of LIXIL’s  material issues in 2023.  Helping to strengthen sustainable procurement and the efficient use of resources,  “Conservation of Biodiversity” serves as a common foundation for the three focus areas of LIXIL’s Environmental Vision 2050 - Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Water Sustainability and Circular Economy. As of 2024, in support of the TNFD recommendations and guidance, LIXIL also registered as a "TNFD Early Adopter", signifying its commitment to begin implementing the recommendations.

LIXIL will continue to embed environmental strategies and integrate environmental considerations into its business as a key strategic initiative. In identifying both the risks and opportunities related to climate change, natural capital and biodiversity, and by aligning its environmental strategies and initiatives with its core business objectives, LIXIL is committed to making a positive impact on society and the planet, while simultaneously striving for sustainable corporate growth.

Further information and the full disclosure can be found here.