Follow Jose Vazquez's Career Journey of "Experiment and Learn" at LIXIL

Let’s start at the beginning: tell me about yourself, your career journey, and what made you choose to join LIXIL?
I specialize as an Industrial Engineer based in Mexico and I am currently studying for my Master of Business Administration Degree with a focus on Direction of Sales. The first 14 years of my career were in the automotive industry, and I then worked in a medical device company as an Operations Leader. It was then that I received a call from LIXIL. After some research, I could tell that LIXIL is a strong and stable global company and it cemented my decision to join.
In 2017, I joined LIXIL's Mexico Chinaware Manufacturing Plant as a Senior Operations Manager, overseeing the manufacturing of toilets, basins and tanks. I enjoyed my time due to the rapid and extensive learning opportunities. For example, I learnt about the Monozukuri system, a continuous innovation and improvement system, and I worked alongside some amazing people.
Almost four years on, I landed a role at the manufacturing facility located in Texas that specialized in walk-in senior bathing tubs, walls alongside bathroom accessories and other custom bathroom remodeling needs. Now I am the Plant Manager, overseeing the manufacturing and optimization of the Texas plant.
I was really pleased that LIXIL gave me the opportunity to grow and broaden my career in the industry. It's been three years since I took on my current role. I am really proud that throughout my time in Mexico and now in the US, LIXIL has proven that it really cares about its people, and it places them at the heart of its operations.
What do you enjoy most about being a part of the team and the plant you are overseeing?
I feel proud to be a part of LIXIL, and the three LIXIL Behaviors are what make being a part of the team great. One of the behaviors, "Experiment and Learn," really makes LIXIL stand out from other companies. LIXIL truly lives up to this proposition and provides people with opportunities to explore, experiment, grow and improve. There are chances even after failures. This is important for a company to have, as it makes people want to strive to do better each time, and not be afraid of failure!
“Work with Respect '' is another LIXIL Behavior that plays a huge role in creating an environment where people can thrive. At LIXIL, respect is not limited to leaders, and rather than being surface level, it comes from the heart.
The last LIXIL Behavior, "Do the Right Thing" really helps foster transparency and honesty within teams, and it's something I witness every day as I see people openly speak up to voice their opinions.
What do you think is the motivation that led to The Most Significant Improvement Plant Award for your team?
I would say that our motivation was centered around the commitment to make an impact. While this was truly a team effort as a result of the LIXIL Behaviors that we live by, the team was driven by LIXIL's commitment to improve the lives of people around the world.
A common problem we encounter across the world is the challenges faced by elderly people. For baths, we have a key solution with our walk-in tubs that helps older individuals with bathing issues. In my opinion, this is a necessity and not a want, and it truly makes an impact on people's lives. Similarly, LIXIL improves the sanitary facilities in rural areas through our business, SATO. This is another strong example of how we make an impact and encourage our teams to keep putting in their best effort for constant improvement.
Such activities really shape how we operate and drive us forward ‒ which in turn has led us to securing recognition for the highest year on year improvement in the areas of Safety, Quality, Delivery, Cost, and Morale (SQDCM).
What is your leadership style like? Who is it influenced by?
My leadership style has developed through a combination of experiences and people who have shaped who I am today. I learned discipline from my father, who was in the manufacturing industry for 27 years. I learned that you need to follow through on your words.
From my mother who has always taken care of others, I have learned to have compassion. And from my education, I have picked up administration, time management, and the ability to not micromanage others, but to trust them.
Of course, you will need to make sure that the team knows how to manage the task at hand. Align on expectations and take care to ensure they have what they need for support to work without stress. I also like to read books by John Maxwell, so my leadership style is a combination of the books I've read, my education and my parents.
I think it is important for a company to have trust in people and remember the golden rule ‒ treat others as you want to be treated. During one-on-one meetings with my team, I always ask four key questions: How do you feel? What am I doing wrong? What are we doing right? What can I do for you?
I encourage my team to share their inner thoughts as a peer on the same team. This approach has worked well. I have been able to make small adjustments as a leader, to connect and provide support in ways that work for each individual.
Were there any challenges in your career? How did you overcome them?
I think the crux of overcoming a challenge is to have the right mindset. If you view the challenge as a problem, it will affect your motivation, and how you approach it. However, if you perceive the challenge as an opportunity, it will change how the issue is dealt with drastically.
Recently, I had the chance to meet and learn a critical lesson from Shinji Ito, our Fixtures Leader, on the Shin Shi Kan Gi methodology. A quick interpretation: Shin means, 'Always have a positive mind'; Shi ‒'Have a system for improvement'; Kan ‒ 'Manage the system for consistency'; and Gi ‒ 'Innovation'. Having a positive mind is key to identifying opportunities and improving.
At LIXIL, we face challenges as a team, so I encourage people to reach out to one another, to support one another, and guide each other. This ensures everyone has a sounding board just a call or message away, and there are no roadblocks to communication.
What keeps you going in your role at LIXIL?
LIXIL's values and transparency are key. When there are challenging times, LIXIL is transparent in communicating with employees. They find ways to tide through the challenge together.
This makes me feel that I'm working for the right company. When the effort is shouldered by the whole team, LIXIL's values, Behaviors, leadership, and emphasis on work-life balance make the experience valuable. Add to that the opportunity to explore our passions, as well as fulfill our career aspirations ‒ I really look forward to shaping the future with LIXIL.
Can you share about the passions you are able to explore with work-life balance at LIXIL?
I like to spend time with my family. I play tennis with my wife twice a week and have family dinners with my wife and son. I am able to carve out time for my family, thanks to the work-life balance at LIXIL and with the support of my team. This means I go to work the next day recharged and refreshed.
In order to achieve such a balance, it is important to lead by example. Before I leave for the day, I will always ensure that my team has left as well. If there is anyone staying back late due to an issue or being swamped with work, I will lend them a hand so they can head home in a timely manner.
What are your plans for the future?
I have been studying Japanese for slightly over a year now. While it is difficult, I look forward to exploring other opportunities within LIXIL, for example in Asia. That is the benefit of being in a global company like LIXIL.
In terms of manufacturing capabilities, LIXIL Japan has a great system of innovation in place. I hope I will get the opportunity to work or collaborate with the team in Japan or other facilities in Asia.
What would you say to someone considering a career at LIXIL?
It is common for people to compare salaries and benefits. I would say it is important to take a step back and look at the entire package that LIXIL provides as a company. Always view careers from a long-term perspective, and think about the growth and development opportunities. At LIXIL, we focus on enabling growth for internal candidates, and there are numerous opportunities for learning and career development.
LIXIL also has a strong focus on wellness and work-life balance, which is something I really appreciate. Leaders at LIXIL really check to ensure you have that balance and they make you feel valued as an employee, so you can enjoy your career journey, be comfortable with your role, and have a life outside work.
You can count on your leaders, know that there is access to senior leaders as well, and that we encourage an open door-policy. You are never alone at LIXIL. You will always have your team.
This really helps to boost the motivation of employees, as you are entrusted, supported and valued. That is the most valuable asset I have received from being at LIXIL, which has created a balance that allows me to lead with confidence and also pursue my interests.
LIXIL is a place for everyone ‒ whether you are just starting out and are looking for a company that you can grow in, or an experienced individual who is seeking a more sustainable career experience.
(As of Nov 2023)