New consumer insights offer clues on how to solve the global challenges of water scarcity

    New consumer insights offer clues on how to solve the global challenges of water scarcity サムネイル画像

    When we’re celebrating water, we’re celebrating the most precious resource our planet has to offer. But what if there is no or too little water? Today, water scarcity is one of the most pressing challenges we face globally. 

    Right now, 703 million people – one in ten – lack access to clean water. Half of the world’s population experiences severe water scarcity at least part of the year. And it already notably affects Europe. In 2024, a third of Europe’s population were affected by water shortages. Local authorities in 12 countries had to impose restrictive measures on water withdrawal. This is happening now, and it is happening to us.

    Tackling this situation is deeply interlinked with what we as a business do every day. Water is our business. Water is our area of undisputed expertise. And it’s a privilege to work with one of the most precious resources on this planet. To us, this privilege also comes with a responsibility to save water and enable consumers to live less resource-intensive. 

    We have been committed to sustainability along our entire value chain. For LIXIL power brand GROHE, this means saving up to 37 million plastic items per year due to our plastic-reduced packaging or CO2-neutral production. However as a water technology expert our first mission is to offer a number of consumer-centric technologies that actively help save water and energy while not compromising on that pure joy of water. 

    One of the key elements of our product development process is to listen and understand. Listen to what really matters to consumers. And understand the contribution that we can make to help them lead more water-efficient lives. So at the end of last year we went into the field to get a better sense on what consumers actually know and think about their water usage – whether they feel we have an issue with water and what they might be willing to do or have done to address this issue.

    The findings of this study, in which we interviewed over 20,000 people in Europe as well as in the US and the Middle East, were eye-opening. Our study reveals that European consumers are acutely aware of the issue of water scarcity. Two out of three consider future water shortages in their region likely. An overwhelming majority say water efficiency is crucial in their daily lives. They want to save water in their households. 

    But do Europeans know how much water they actually consume? 
    We asked our respondents to give us an estimate. Do you know how much you consume every day?

    Europeans consume an average of 144 liters of water per day - that’s essentially an entire bathtub full of water. If the amount you had in mind was significantly lower, you are not alone – 79% of our respondents underestimated their own water consumption. Most Europeans believe they use only up to 25-50 litres of water per day - a third of what they actually use.

    Do we take water for granted and don’t know its actual worth?  

    What is making me optimistic is the fact that a small majority of respondents say they have installed water-saving devices in their homes. And half of those who haven’t, say it is likely that they will install water saving devices in the next six months. 

    So what is stopping the others? 

    They are split in their views on why they don’t plan to change anything. Some are simply not interested. Well, let’s talk about that separately. Some think that installing water-efficient options is too expensive, and others are simply not aware of options out there. But we all have an opportunity to preserve and protect this precious resource that is so fundamental to our lives. As an entire industry focused on water, we have the opportunity to educate, inform and offer solutions.

    Let’s make sure that the perception gap of how much water we actually use doesn’t result in wasting this precious resource.

    438792983_445330354680396_8316390901495036618_nBy Daniela Stawinoga-Carrington, Leader, Marketing & Communications, LIXIL Europe
    Stawinoga-Carrington spearheaded a recent survey on consumer water usage perceptions for LIXIL power brand GROHE, whose results were unveiled at this week’s ISH in Frankfurt. This article is adapted from her keynote presentation.




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