LIXIL has been listed for all six ESG indices adopted by the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) of Japan
Updating LIXIL’s Impact Methodology for our Global Sanitation & Hygiene Commitment
LIXIL’s 2024 Disclosure Report in Response to the TCFD and TNFD recommendations
LIXIL received the highest MSCI ESG rating of AAA for the second year
LIXIL registers as TNFD Early Adopter
LIXIL and UNICEF Publishes “Make a Splash!” Partnership Progress Report 2022-2023
LIXIL has been listed for all six ESG indices adopted by the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) of Japan
LIXIL Sharpens CO2 Mid-term Targets in Roadmap to Climate Neutrality
LIXIL Provides Donations to Support Ukraine